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    Done by; Iman Sofea, Fatin Adira, Beh Soo Yuan, Hidayah, Dorothea & Nadiah Nazira.
CHAPTER 6 : Input Output Interface



External Devices
  • šHuman readable - to communicate with the  computer users.
    Example : Screen, keyboard, printer

  • Machine readable - što communicate with the  equipment.
    Example : magnetic disk, sensors and actuators

  • šCommunication - for communicating with remote devices, a machine readable device or another computer.
    Example : Network Interface Card in Modem

I/O Module Function

  • Control and timing - to coordinate flow of traffic between external devices and internal resources
  • šProcessor Communication - command decoding in I/O module, data exchange through data bus, status reporting about peripherals, and CPU assigning unique address for each I/O module.
  • šDevice Communication - involves commands, status information and data
  • šData Buffering - the data are buffered in the I/O module and then sent to the peripheral device at its data rate.
  • šError Detection - for reporting errors to the processor 

I/O Mapping

I/O Techniques

A) Programmed I/O

Data are exchanged between the processor and the I/O module

- When the processor is executing a program and gets and instruction related 
   to I/O, it issues a command to the respective I/O module.

- The I/O module will perform the requested operation.

- It is the responsibility of the processor to keep on checking the status of   
   the I/O module to see if the operation is complete.

I/O Commands
  • šControl used to activate a peripheral and tell it what to do.
  • šTest Used to test various status conditions associated with an I/O module and its peripherals.
  • šReadCauses the I/O module to obtain an item of data from the peripheral and place it in an internal buffer
  • Write Causes the I/O module to take an item of data form the data bus and subsequently transmit that data item to the peripheral
  • šSimple method and requires small amount of special I/O hardware.
  • šThis technique is it is a time consuming process that keeps the processor busy needlessly.

 B) Interrupt driven I/O
  • This method overcomes CPU waiting time.
  • The processor issues an I/O command to a module and then goes on to do some other useful work.
  • The I/O module will then interrupt the processor to request service when is ready to exchange data with the processor.
  • The processor then executes the data transfer and then resumes its processing. 

4 general categories of techniques
  • Multiple interrupt lines
  • Software poll
  • Daisy chain
  • Bus arbitration

C) Direct Memory Access (DMA)

When large volumes of data are to be moved between memory and the peripherals, an efficient technique is DMA.

  • an additional module on the system bus.
  • capable of imitating the processor and taking over control of the system from the processor.
  • transfer data to and from memory over the system bus.
  • get hold of the bus only when the processor does not need it
  • the number of words to be read or written communicated via the data lines and stored in the data count register. 
External Interface
  • Used to connect devices to the I/O module.
Parallel & Serial Interface
 - Parallel Interface
  • Multiple lines connect the peripheral and the I/O module. So multiple bits are transferred at once.
  • Used in high speed peripherals such as hard disk, printer, scanner.
- Serial Interface
  • There is only one line to transmit data and bits are transferred one at a time.
  • Used in slower devices such as mouse and keyboard.


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